Service Overview

Comprehensive retained regulatory services, ensuring firms maintain a competitive edge amid an evolving regulatory landscape.

The financial services industry is subject to increasing regulatory scrutiny and oversight, with the cost of making mistakes becoming higher, both financially and reputationally. Our retained services offers firms of every size practical support throughout the regulatory lifecycle, providing tailored support to meet your needs.

Retained Compliance

The regulatory landscape is evolving at pace. Whether you have a capacity or capability gap or just want additional assurance, we have a tailored solution to support. Whatever your reasons, our retained service brings a wealth of subject matter experts with a proven track record of helping firms mitigate risk, ensuring sustainable compliance and good customer outcomes.

We offer a variety of different retained services, from having a defined number of days per month with a named specialist, to a more flexible drawdown approach with our pool of specialists, we will have a solution to fit your needs.

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Service Benefits

  • A flexible approach to executing your regulatory strategy, tailoring the support as needs change over time, at a lower cost base.
  • Providing you with budget certainty and on-demand access to high qualified regulatory subject matter experts across a wide spectrum of regulatory topics.
  • Available to support you, on demand, as required, with expert insight from a team of ex-practitioners and supervisors.

How Square 4 Can Help

Our retained service enables you to manage day-to-day compliance and regulatory change more effectively, helping you to put good customer outcomes at the heart of what you do.

Speak to our regulatory experts today about:

  • Tailoring our retained services to meet your needs;
  • How we can lower your regulatory cost base;
  • How our regulatory subject matter experts can provide specialist input to your firm.


Q: What are retained services?

A: On a regular basis, we provide firms with a pre-determined level of support for a monthly fee to meet their ongoing regulatory requirements.

Q: What type of retained services do you offer?

A: Our service is tailored to suit your requirements. This can range from ad-hoc support and advice, to regulatory reporting, training, horizon scanning, co-sourced/outsourced compliance monitoring and internal audit. This can be either a package or on a standalone basis, and at a frequency to match your needs.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Our retained service is customised to your needs and the cost depends on the type and level of support that you require. Typically, it’s an annual cost charged on a monthly basis, but we can look at alternative cost models depending on your needs.

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